Maximum properties after update?

Diskutiere Maximum properties after update? im Allgemeines Forum im Bereich GTA Online; Can anyone tell me the limit there is at the moment? Thanks in advance Is it like a few apartments and additional to that you ...

Thema: Maximum properties after update?

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  1. #1
    Caputheboss ist offline Handtaschendieb
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    Maximum properties after update?

    Can anyone tell me the limit there is at the moment? Thanks in advance

    Is it like a few apartments and additional to that you can have an office or warehouse or does each one add together for the limit?

  2. Anzeige
    Hallo Caputheboss,

    schau dir mal diesen Guide an! Das sollte dir helfen.
  3. #2
    Avatar von wolverine
    wolverine ist offline Staatsfeind
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    You can have six apartments, one CEO-Office, one Biker clubhouse. Warehouses and other stuff are seperately

Maximum properties after update?

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